Thursday, December 20, 2012

Born to Win. In Na'Vi We Trust?

So yeah, in Na'Vi we trust? They have been on a slump, having lots of losses recently. Their lack of practice and perhaps motivation is affecting their games. But every Na'Vi fanboy would probably think that they're trying out new strats or purposely losing so that they can do a big comeback during the SL Finals in Kiev later. Wishful thinking.

I decided to still watch some of their games, like against Fnatic, XX5 and SHz. I am big Na'Vi fan. I have been cheering for them ever since I saw their awesome plays back in TI1. But with the recent outcomes of their games, I'm quite disappointed with their performance. I ask myself, is it because they're burned out after the massive amount of pressure they had during the last TI2? Is it an internal conflict? Is it because XBOCT fail as a carry hero? Are they really losing on purpose? Are they trying out some new strats? Are they trying to perfect a Wisp strat?

Right now, I don't think it matters. As a fan of arguably the most stable team of the EU Dota 2 scene, I should support them whether they win or lose. I cheer for them when they win. I should still cheer for them when they lose. And I am still hoping they make a great comeback. I am still hoping that sometime soon, their inner beasts would wake up and they return to their former glory.

Na'Vi 2-0 versus Fntic. Fuck yeah! 

Na'Vi 2-0 versus Empire. I'm sorry Na'Vi if I doubted you. I didn't realize you had to go through the same scenario back in pre-TI2. 

Na'Vi 3-1 versus Empire. Na'Vi the StarSeries champs once again. I don't know what to say. They've done it again. GG WP Empire!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Oro? Thoughts About Rurouni Kenshin Live Adaptation *spoilers included*

I was stoked to learn that RuroKen Live will be screened in local cinemas but a little apprehensive as well. I'm a big fan of RK and I don't wish to see one of my favorite series of all time get massacred by some cheap live adaptation.

Well, Rurouni Kenshin Live Adaptation did not disappoint. Great!

The flow of the story is smooth. One new to the series will be able to acquaint himself to the characters and the general story. Although it did not really follow the manga's story and the sequence of the characters' appearance. But hey, still good stuff.

The characters are lovable. Saito is admittedly not as badass compared to the anime/manga but still decent. Sano was funny and really looks like a street-fighter. When Sano was first introduced during the prison scene, the crowd was very delighted. Kaoru-dono and Megumi are also lovable. Yahiko though is a bit thin. And of course, the main man Kenshin. Takeru Satoh did a good job IMO. He's not really that lovable. Not a lot of people can appreciate him but he was good. His moves, the way he holds the sakabatou, his Hiten Mitsurugi stance, I think it's all nice to see. Especially with all the wirework to perform the stunts, it was refreshing.

The background music is superb. Some are gritty. Some are mellow. And the fight scene themes are well-placed. And the OST by ONE OK ROCK is a really nice addition. Or maybe I'm just biased :P

And the fight scenes are excellent. The crowd laughed so hard and were clapping at Sano's fight. It was really entertaining and funny. Inui's line "Poor bird. I'm a vegetarian" was the killer! Gein's fight with Kenshin is also nice with those awesome dagger stunts. Although one Hiten Mitsurugi technique has been shown, it was saved for the last boss, Jin'e. Soryusen. Not bad. One thing though, I thought it would be awesome if Saito used his Gatotsu to destroy the gatling gun. Instead he went flying to knock the chandelier towards Takeda. Lol!

The film gives you that authentic Japanese film while retelling Kenshin's story. And it is a great film overall. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the crowd's reaction. I enjoyed the crowd's enthusiasm. And surprisingly, I enjoyed hearing even those new fans that thought they know a lot about Kenshin. There were some smartasses talking about the story, the manga, the OVA like they were some boss about RuroKen information. And there are those people who would speak loudly, just so you can hear them introduce the characters. "Oh that's Saito!" "Oh that's probably Shishio!" But you don't really let them get into your head and mess up your viewing pleasure, do you? :D

Needs moar Oro! Oro?

Friday, December 7, 2012

On Happy Endings and The After Story *spoilers included*

It has been years since I last watched Clannad: After Story. The last episode I saw was Episode 4. It just kind of got left behind as I found new things to spend my time to, such as love life and DoTA.

3 days ago, my Tactics Ogre save file got corrupted. With nothing better to do, I decided to watch it again. It has been sitting in my PSP for quite a while now. I didn't delete it knowing that time would come that I would be able to watch it again. And so it came.

I was able to finish it last night. Thoughts on the series? I love the series. I love the comedy, the drama, the characters, the artwork, even the meh parts. I love it. Did I say I love it?

Normally, I would not like it when happy endings are, sort of, forced. When characters need to die, they should die. Not like Game of Thrones sort of death, where almost every good character dies. But if the story needs it, then it should be a sad ending.

But this one made me appreciate the happy ending. I was telling myself halfway Episode 21 that this better be a happy ending. Why? I believe that Nagisa and Tomoya's love story is too beautiful to destroy. Same as the relationship that developed between Tomoya and his daughter, Ushio. It is really heartbreaking to see their lives end with such misery and sadness. So after all the hardships they've been through, I think they deserve to live happily ever after.

So yeah, I almost cried manly tears.

Starting Episode 16, every episode has it's heartbreaking and tearjerking moments that one has to endure. And one must endure. For after the hardships, tears and heartbreaks, one will achieve happiness.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

On Informal Settlers and Resistance

Informal settlers AKA "squatters" have been a longtime issue here in the Philippines. They are mostly people from the province who came to the metro in search of a "better life." They think Manila is this one pot of gold at the end of the rainbow where they can find jobs, earn a decent, if not better, amount of money and fulfill their dreams. But most of the time, that's not what happens.

Recently, there was another demolition in Makati, specifically in Guatemala Street. And just like every other informal settlements demolition that happens in Manila, it was violent. Around 8 were arrested and are now facing assault charges. 
Image from

My question is, are they really entitled to do this? I mean occupying others' property and claiming it as your own? It might look valiant and brave but really, this for me is barbaric and arrogant. Then they blame the government for not providing for them and not solving poverty. They have been given a deadline. They have been given relocation sites. But still they complain about it being too far and not having any source of livelihood. They chose to fight back with stones, rocks, bottles and basically anything that can be thrown. Resist, counter and destroy.

I watched a documentary a few years back. One of the reasons why they go to Manila is to search for a "better life." Yes, life is hard in the province. I remember me and my brothers had to chop wood, fetch water, cut the grasses growing in the backyard, dry dozens of sack of rice under the sun and at times when we don't have anything to eat, we hunt for frogs. There is always a source, something that can provide what you need. We're not talking about tribes and villages in very remote areas of course. That is an entirely different discussion. What I'm saying is that we just need to be more patient. Use whatever resources you have. Take pride in what you do and always do your best. It's just that some of use wants an easy way out. I watched an episode of Anthony Bourdain's No Reservation and he was with this welder. He doesn't have much but he loves what he does. He's proud of it. I thought and hoped that we should be like that guy, content and happy. We should dream and dream big, yes. But as with the case like these informal settlers, risking it in hopes that Manila will give them a better life seems not worth it.

I can understand that when you have close to nothing, you become desperate. You try to hang on to that something that gives you strength and hope. You try to fight for it if it's being taken away from you. But using violence to fight for something that is not yours is wrong. It's not correct in the first place. It will never be correct.

Monday, September 24, 2012

On Epiphany and Realizing (What Isn't There)

I was looking at some of Annicka Dolonius' pictures when I saw an update on Ang Nawawala's Facebook page. It was a tumblr blog, a review about their film. It was a good review. The details of the film are well explained.

A few days back, prior to watching the film, I was wondering about the title. Why Ang Nawawala (What Isn't There)? I already read the synopsis so I pretty much have an idea of what it was. Or do I?

Initially, I thought it was his "voice". But no, I said to myself. It's got to be something deeper than that. Judging from the trailer itself, one can say that this film is deep. One that goes beyond a "missing voice." We were about to watch the film so I stopped pondering and the thought got lost somewhere.

But then this line from the said blog made me think again. "as he becomes almost like his dead brother – the one who isn’t there."

I said to myself, "yeah, that makes sense." But then images from the film's last few seconds came rushing into my head like MRT passengers during rush hour. I remember Esme with her eyes closed, saying "Sino ka? Wes, ikaw ba yan?" Gibson then said, with his tears falling, "Mom. Si Gibson po." I immediately then realized (or considered) that it is HE that was missing. Some might say it is obvious, some might agree, some might disagree. I haven't read any other reviews nor know what the true meaning of the title is. Albeit the title (What Isn't There), I consider Gibson to be the one that's missing.

He chose not to speak because he thought that after he saw his twin brother die, there's nothing important to say anymore. Plus, the trauma caused by witnessing his death right in front of his eyes must be very horrible. 10 years then has passed since Jamie died. 10 years has passed since he last spoke. 10 years has passed and Gibson is still searching for himself, that one lost soul. The one that should've been dead. The one that isn't there.

Ang Nawawala is a tale of tragedy, hope, love, second chances and rediscovering one's self served in a retro-ish backdrop with a dash of indie music.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

On evidence not being strong

I was watching Patrol ng Pilipino last night about the approval of the new Kasambahay Bill and how it will benefit maidservants.

It showed one particular case that has been in the news the past week, the abuse of Bonita Baran. She said that she was tortured and abused to the point that she's now blind in one eye. Following this, the accused couple surrendered to NBI and was sent on trial. But they pleaded not guilty to said charges. Why? Because they said the "prosecution evidence was not strong". WTF!?

Yeah, what the eff? Is this not strong enough? Her face was disfigured because of torture and she went blind in one eye because they pressed a hot flat iron on her face. Jebus Cries!

But Lady Justice is still with us. The couple is now in the city jail! And oh, how I love the trolls there. According to the news, "Some female jailbirds were heard yelling, “handa na mga plantsa namin! (our flat irons are ready!)". EL OH EL!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Irony of Loyalty

Friday afternoon, it was. There is a job fair being held in SM Mall of Asia and my girlfriend wanted to go there, to be able to pass out her resume. It is my day off of work so I decided to go with her. After she's done, we decided to take a quick stroll around the mall just to check out some of the new stores. We have missed this place after all. It's been years since we last saw this mall. But that's another story.

Our last stop was National Book Store. Not my favorite book store but for some reason I am always drawn to it whenever I see it. Maybe it's the sight of so many books that fascinate me. And maybe because ever since I was a kid, I have known National Book Store as this wonderful place where books live. And so unconsciously, I might've developed loyalty to them.

Reading books have been quite a passive habit for me nowadays. I used to be very a very zealous reader when I was young. Magazines, encyclopedias, Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew usually kills a lazy afternoon for me. But then I discovered the wonders and fun brought by video games. And so those days are now gone, like a slice of my favorite chocolate cake. I know, that's a bad comparison :P

I still read books though whenever I find time. Sometimes during breaks. Sometimes before going to sleep. Sometime when I'm bored after playing PSP. And I still continue to buy books even though some of them are left untouched, collecting dust in my little bookshelf. The last book that I bought was a hard-bound A Game of Thrones for my girlfriend, a present for her birthday, and a paperback one for me. I also bought a graphic novel called Skyworld Vol.1. It was a good read. So good in fact that I decided to buy the second volume. That's the same reason why we decided to visit the book store.

We went inside, place is busy as usual. They don't just sell books, the sell office and school supplies as well. After a few minutes, we saw Skyworld Vol. 2, paid for it and done deal.

We were both tired so we decided to go home, already satisfied with the Skyworld purchase. Or so we thought.

On our way out, the security scanner suddenly beeped. Naturally, the guard stopped us. I thought it was the item that we bought so I handed it to the guard. It was not, it was still beeping. The guard isolated it by letting my girlfriend's bag through then my bag. And I remember, I brought the A Game of Thrones book with me. The guard checked my bag and it was there, wrapped in a National Book Store bag. The guard grabbed and unwrapped it and immediately asked me for the receipt. So I said that I don't have it. He said they will have the book scanned for checking and called another security personnel. This man is a bit skinny and probably around 4 inches taller than me. Judging from the way he asked me his next questions, he already concluded that I stole the book.

He asked if I have the receipt. I said I don't have it, that I don't see any reason why I should have brought the receipt with me because I have bought that book from Shangri-La two weeks before. Then I remember that I DIDN'T BUY IT FROM SHANGRI-LA, I bought it from SM Megamall. So to prevent further damage, I had to correct myself. And like what I said earlier, this man already has his conclusions up. Just like any other suspicious-minded security guard, he said "I thought you said you bought it from Shangri-La, now you're saying you bought it from Megamall?" In defense, I said that the day I bought the book, I had to go to two different National Book Store branches, Shangri-La and Megamall. I said that I had written my name there and I even wrote the date that I purchased the book.

He then asked again for the receipt. He said that I should have brought it because we're carrying a book purchased from them. And I had to say it again, that I don't see any reason why I should've brought it with me. He then countered by saying that we should've presented the book to the other guard, knowing that we're carrying a "book" and we are about to enter a "book store". So I said, I didn't know that we had to present our bags to the guard in the first place. We just walked right in and looked for the comic book. He said that it is their protocol, that it is standard to them. From that point, I knew that his logic is fucked up and that if we (me and my girlfriend) pushed on with the arguments, he's going to eventually fall and concede.

I said that how should I know that they have such rule. For them it is their rule, but we do not care about their rule since we do not know it in the first place. And besides, there are no notes or posters in their store stating said rule. I gave him an example. What if it is my first time entering their store and I brought my book with me? He responded by saying "we will still ask you for the receipt". I then said "What if this book is a gift to me, I don't have the receipt with me. Then I'm fucked?" He didn't respond.

Perhaps not wanting to have his image as a security personnel crushed, he kept on pushing his argument that it is their protocol, that I should have presented the book when we entered the store. At this point, my girlfriend who's arguing with him as well, is already shaking. You can tell by looking at her that she's really angry by how stupid that guard is responding to our questions.

To cut the argument, I asked how are we going to settle this. We already wasted several minutes arguing with him for nothing. And he clearly doesn't get our point. He said "well the book has your name in it and that is proof enough that it is yours." At that point, I knew he conceded. He can't come up with decent arguments. Not satisfied with it, my girlfriend then asked him "what if we had not wrote our name in there?" She said that it is not good enough that it is proof. Anyone can write their name on the book, and write it inside the store itself. We wanted a solid proof. Proof that will save us from the scandal and humiliation we're experiencing at that point. Imagine, everyone has their attention on us. The cashier line is near the gate so everyone in the line waiting is looking at us. We wanted something solid, like an inventory list. Maybe they can check their database or call Megamall to confirm that the book has been indeed purchased from them. He can't come up with any response, and said that the name is proof enough. Again not satisfied with it, we asked for his supervisor.

I didn't know I was shaking as well. I took a sip from the water bottle I was holding and noticed that my hands were shaking. My mouth is ridiculously dry that it felt I had eaten an overripe apple. One guy said that we should call it, that the guy clearly doesn't know what he's talking about and that our conversation was all bullcrap.

His supervisor came. She was short, probably around 5 feet tall. She's wearing a brown polka dot silk dress with a blue jacket on top. She's probably in her mid 50s. She asked us if the book was ours. I confirmed that it is indeed ours, that I bought it from Megamall. I told her the rebuttals and arguments that her guard is throwing at us, that it doesn't make sense. She asked us if our bags had been checked when we initially entered the store. Our bags were not checked. We just walked right in. She said that this is where the fault lies, the guard should've asked for our bags when we entered so that they can have it noted down. I said that I bought it from Megamall. From that point, their security tag should've been deactivated already. I told them that it seems their security has holes in them and that their alarms are not in sync. She agreed. I asked again for proof that it is indeed our book. My girlfriend wanted them to say it in public that is indeed ours. She said that she had called and had it checked, that they had no stock of the said book. That it is proof that it is indeed ours.

My girlfriend continued to scold them about their security, the humiliation it brought us, that they should put posters about their "protocol", have the guards check all customer's bags prior to entering the store and the time wasted arguing with the guards. I decided that it was already settled. That it's time for us to go. She agreed. Before we left, I told them that almost all our books are from National Book Store and that this has caused us a lot of inconvenience. She acknowledged and apologized for it. We got the book, our bags and left the store, still shaking a bit from all that arguing.

My girlfriend said that if not for the fact that the supervisor was an elderly, we would have demanded something more. Probably a public apology or something along those lines. We sat on one of the cement benches outside and talked about it for a few more minutes. We've calmed down and decided to call it a day.

We're still not over this and might call National Book Store about it. I think they owe us an apology. And we believe that we can sue them for public scandal. We might be overreacting but hey, customers are always right. I'll do a bit more thinking about it and will decide if I'm going to call them or not. It's possible that this will cause more hassles than what we can gain. Or maybe not, who knows.

I sent a message to them on their Facebook page. Up until now, they still haven't responded.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Cheers to that one person who taught us to be brave and tough but still carried us on their shoulders when we are on our weakest. That one person who defines strong in the word stronghold. That one person who stands in the vanguard and leads the way. Three cheers to all the fathers out there!

Friday, June 1, 2012

"...but only one practices bigotry."

I am an atheist. I lack the belief of a god. I have learned to accept that in our reality, there are only two things (or truth) to consider about a god. It's either he created heaven and earth and let it evolve on its own. Or there's no god.

I believe in humanity. I believe that we should follow our own human ethics and fight for our survival. We should not be limited by beliefs or dogma.

One might say that I'm bigoted. That I'm arrogant. That I'm evil. I can't blame them. After all, that's what's being fed to us by the church and by the media. And by instilling fear into the public's mind, they have succeeded.
BUT. Every human being is unique. And I can't force my belief (or lack thereof) to someone and expect them to be the same. That would be boring. I respect others' system of belief or faith.

"Faith is not bad. Faith is good. It is very good. But faith and reason makes it compelling", they said. Reason. It is what makes it compelling. But without it, would faith be nothing more than just a selfish emotion? I believe so, yes. Faith, without reason, makes us blind. It makes us an empty shell, acting without any sense of direction and judgement. It makes us stupid. It makes us bigoted.

Why do I rant about this, you might wonder. I am an atheist, like what I said. But I respect people's faith and belief, like what I said. And I do not like people who doesn't respect others.

Religious people think they are kind and good. And sometimes their faith makes them go blind. Let's make the recent Lady Gaga an example. In relation to that, one tweet from this local celebrity caught my attention.

I decided to browse my Twitter to check DMs, Interactions and Tweets when one particular tweet caught my attention. I decided not to include her name because I am mainly writing this sort of hollow tirade for the purpose of expressing myself and not bashing her.

She was saying that believing in god is wonderful and righteous. She said that even with all the sins in the world, god can still forgive us. She was wondering why other people would go to satan instead of going to god. She was saying that the reason why Lady Gaga was famous and rich is because she worship satan. And that Lady Gaga is evil. Again, I can't blame her. She was obviously a christian. And the bible has portrayed satan as a traitor, trident-wielding demon, complete with horns and a tail. Again, I can't blame her. But somehow I got irritated. I told her, that in the bible, satan killed 10 people while god killed millions. She didn't reply as expected.

And so I felt that she was bigoted and stupid. And that's what makes me believe that faith without reason is bad. I would have respect her opinion if it isn't for her moronic opinion about Lady Gaga. I do not like Lady Gaga. But I know enough that her satanic issue is part of her album and tour promotion to gain more attention from the public.

Her faith is an example of what one can become without reason. She started saying bad things about satan without even thinking about being fair to satan. Again, the bible portrayed satan as evil. But IT IS the bible, an age-old outdated book written by bored sheep herders thousands of years ago. She probably believed that she was doing the right thing. But without reason, she became a bigot. She has walked that path to stupidity and ignorance.

That can be said to everyone having faith without reason. We think we are doing the right thing by following our faith. But sometimes our actions turn out to be bad. Instead of doing the right thing, we end up doing stupid things.

Have you ever stopped to think for a while about what would be the consequences of your actions?
Have you ever stopped to think for a while that you may be walking the same path?

“The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.” - Benjamin Franklin