Friday, June 1, 2012

"...but only one practices bigotry."

I am an atheist. I lack the belief of a god. I have learned to accept that in our reality, there are only two things (or truth) to consider about a god. It's either he created heaven and earth and let it evolve on its own. Or there's no god.

I believe in humanity. I believe that we should follow our own human ethics and fight for our survival. We should not be limited by beliefs or dogma.

One might say that I'm bigoted. That I'm arrogant. That I'm evil. I can't blame them. After all, that's what's being fed to us by the church and by the media. And by instilling fear into the public's mind, they have succeeded.
BUT. Every human being is unique. And I can't force my belief (or lack thereof) to someone and expect them to be the same. That would be boring. I respect others' system of belief or faith.

"Faith is not bad. Faith is good. It is very good. But faith and reason makes it compelling", they said. Reason. It is what makes it compelling. But without it, would faith be nothing more than just a selfish emotion? I believe so, yes. Faith, without reason, makes us blind. It makes us an empty shell, acting without any sense of direction and judgement. It makes us stupid. It makes us bigoted.

Why do I rant about this, you might wonder. I am an atheist, like what I said. But I respect people's faith and belief, like what I said. And I do not like people who doesn't respect others.

Religious people think they are kind and good. And sometimes their faith makes them go blind. Let's make the recent Lady Gaga an example. In relation to that, one tweet from this local celebrity caught my attention.

I decided to browse my Twitter to check DMs, Interactions and Tweets when one particular tweet caught my attention. I decided not to include her name because I am mainly writing this sort of hollow tirade for the purpose of expressing myself and not bashing her.

She was saying that believing in god is wonderful and righteous. She said that even with all the sins in the world, god can still forgive us. She was wondering why other people would go to satan instead of going to god. She was saying that the reason why Lady Gaga was famous and rich is because she worship satan. And that Lady Gaga is evil. Again, I can't blame her. She was obviously a christian. And the bible has portrayed satan as a traitor, trident-wielding demon, complete with horns and a tail. Again, I can't blame her. But somehow I got irritated. I told her, that in the bible, satan killed 10 people while god killed millions. She didn't reply as expected.

And so I felt that she was bigoted and stupid. And that's what makes me believe that faith without reason is bad. I would have respect her opinion if it isn't for her moronic opinion about Lady Gaga. I do not like Lady Gaga. But I know enough that her satanic issue is part of her album and tour promotion to gain more attention from the public.

Her faith is an example of what one can become without reason. She started saying bad things about satan without even thinking about being fair to satan. Again, the bible portrayed satan as evil. But IT IS the bible, an age-old outdated book written by bored sheep herders thousands of years ago. She probably believed that she was doing the right thing. But without reason, she became a bigot. She has walked that path to stupidity and ignorance.

That can be said to everyone having faith without reason. We think we are doing the right thing by following our faith. But sometimes our actions turn out to be bad. Instead of doing the right thing, we end up doing stupid things.

Have you ever stopped to think for a while about what would be the consequences of your actions?
Have you ever stopped to think for a while that you may be walking the same path?

“The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.” - Benjamin Franklin

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