Tuesday, February 19, 2013

She Took An Arrow in the Knee (Life is Such a Great Troll)

It was a great birthday. My girlfriend agreed to come home with me to the province over the weekends. My brothers will be coming home as well. My mother will cook pasta and barbecue. She rented karaoke so we can sing our lungs out while drinking beer and getting wasted. My cousin will be there too, to sing and drink with us. We also planned to fly some skylanterns come nighttime. I received a present from my brothers. I see a good weekend on the horizon.

But then, Life got bored and decided to troll me. First, my cousin got attacked by asthma (or maybe from too much singing). He can't breath properly, thus can't drink and sing anymore. He decided to go home and just rest shortly after we started the "party". We wanted to fly some skylanterns but the wind was blowing hard. It is dangerous because it might get caught in a tree or get blown towards some of the neighbors' house and start a fire. So we dropped the idea. My brother is suppose to take a medical exam the next day. We learned that he can't drink because he might fail the test. With a few more bottles, we decided to just call it a night.

The next day when we were about to go back to Manila, my girlfriend tripped over a small fence at the door. It's a small fence that acts as a barrier so that our dogs won't go inside the house.

She got injured and had to get 3 stitches just to close the wound. So of course, she's having a hard time going up and down the stairs and all of the usual stuff that requires leg movement. She can't bend her knees fully because the wound gets stretched and it's painful for her. Even riding a cab is a chore.

I feel sad to see her having a hard time moving around. If only I can just take it away, of course, I will. But I can see her enduring it and fighting it. And I thought that it's better that way, let her handle it and let it make her stronger. That's one of the things that I like about her, she's strong.

But despite all these things that happened, I am still happy. I am an optimist. I know what happened was bad but it could've been worse. Worse than opening a fridge with an angry gorilla inside. That was random.

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